Madrid Fusión


Revelation Chef Award

Sponsored by Balfegó

Created in 2003, the Revelation Chef Award celebrates its 18th edition this year.

The Madrid Fusión Revelation Chef Award acknowledges the boldness and budding potential found in so many fledgling restaurants, which are a window to the future of the profession. 

Many of today’s top names in Spanish gastronomy are previous recipients of this award – including Dabid Muñoz, Ricard Camarena, Rodrigo de la Calle and Óscar Calleja— and the restaurants of most winners now hold Michelin stars, which bears witness to the intuition of the jury, made up of more than 80 Spanish food critics led by the journalist and chairman of Madrid Fusión, José Carlos Capel.

These are the candidates for the Upcoming Chef Award at Madrid Fusión 2021:

Julen Baz. Restaurant Garena. Lamindao (Biscay)
Luis Callealta. Restaurant Ciclo (Cádiz)
Lara Roguez. Restaurant Kraken ArtFood (Biopark Aquarium in Gijón)
Javier Sanz and Juan Sahuquillo. Restaurant Cañitas Maite (Albacete)
Juan Guillamón. Restaurant Alma Mater (Murcia)
Carlos Pérez de Rozas. Restaurant Berbena (Barcelona)
Sergio and Mario Tofé. Restaurant Éter (Madrid) 
Dani Malavía and Roseta Félix. Restaurant Fraula (Valencia)





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